Septic problems can arise, and when the solution isn't straightforward, you may find yourself in the position of needing to replace certain components of your septic system, such as the septic tank.
People have different preferences when it comes to handling such situations – some prefer to explore various options, while others seek the fastest resolution possible.
With our team of DEQ certified professionals and the offer of free estimates, our aim is to provide you, the customer, with everything necessary to ensure a seamless and positive experience when it comes to replacing or installing a septic system. From the initial planning and permitting stages to the actual installation of your tank, we will guide you every step of the way, ensuring clarity and understanding throughout the process.
Feel free to inquire about price matching if you've already received an estimate from another company – we highly value your business!
Here's what you can expect during the replacement of septic system components:
For more complex components such as a drain field or ATT system, the process is similar, but there might be some variations:
In residential settings, the most common replacements involve septic tanks. Many septic tanks installed before 1990 were made of steel, which is susceptible to rust and brittleness under normal septic conditions.
Nowadays, we replace deteriorating steel tanks with concrete ones, known for their durability and sustainability. This ensures your septic system functions properly, contributing to environmental health.
Common residential tank sizes are either 1000 gallons or 1500 gallons. A 1000-gallon tank is suitable for up to four bedrooms, while five bedrooms or more require a 1500-gallon tank, as per County requirements.
We also handle Commercial Systems, ATT Systems, and other complex systems. Feel free to call in advance to speak with an experienced professional about your project – we're here to assist you.
If you are looking for information on Alternative Treatment Technologies (ATT) Systems, You can read about them on our informative web page here. Or call for more information at (503)829-8458.
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